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Did the Bible Borrow the Flood Story From the Epic of Gilgamesh?

In 1872 a man by the name of George Smith was sifting through a collection of un-translated cuneiform tablets sitting in a British museum and discovered an ancient Babylonian story that would wind up making history. That story was The Epic of Gilgamesh. While the author of the Epic is unknown, the story itself contains a piece of history that many of us are very familiar with: the historical account of the Noahic Flood that is recorded in the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Holy Bible. At first glance, this might seem like a wonderful archeological discovery that would confirm biblical history, but if we take a closer look we will see that it raises some serious questions about the origin of the flood account within the Book of Genesis.

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Did God Divorce the Nation of Israel?

There are some who have laid claim that God divorced the nation of Israel. They even teach it as a biblical truth. Not just any old divorce, mind you, but a divorce as we understand it today between a husband and wife whose marriage has withered to the point of a corrosive decay. Eventually they part their separate ways to find a new life on their own again. While there is a great deal of biblical evidence to indicate that there was definitely a separation that took place between God and the nation of Israel, it was not what we understand to be a divorce by the commonly accepted definition today.

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